
Berlichingen. Satisfied clients.

Baron Götz-Ekkehart von Berlichingen, who gave the firm Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Berlichingen its name, established the business in 1975, initially as a single practice. Since the year 2000, the partners and tax advisors working at the firm today joined the organisation one by one, contributing their respective expertise to the advisory firm in the course of time.

We have since been working for and with our clients every day, acting in an advisory capacity and relieving them of administrative as well as tax-related obligations, always keeping an eye on their tax situation. Our clients include businesses of all legal forms, including their shareholdersand partners as well as self-employed and private individuals.

Welcome to Berlichingen, your tax advisory firm.


We can do a great deal for you.

We are at your service. The tax advisory firm Berlichingen has been actively engaged on behalf of its clients since the year 1975. In our current legal form as a partnership, on account of our profession, our experience and, of course, due to our targeted acquisition of expertise, we consider ourselves all-purpose tax advisors with highest quality standards. Overlaps and interlocking skills enable us to exploit synergies – in the interests of our clients.
Welcome to the family. We assign immense importance to a professional and familiar advisory atmosphere. Accordingly, to us, warmth, sincerity, reliability and openness are the foundations for many years’ close collaboration. Our advisors perceive themselves as partners and act as permanent contacts for their clients.
Discussing the best solutions available. Cooperation with our clients is characterised by a spirit of mutual trust and confidence established in the course of time. For many years now, this has allowed us to build a tradition of taking unorthodox solutions into consideration as well, or to contribute unconventional ideas and discuss them frankly and openly. Developing the ideal solution for our clients has been our objective from the outset.
Featuring broad industry know-how. We provide advisory services to entities in all entrepreneurial legal forms, ranging from auditable stock corporations and medium-sized enterprises with one or any number of shareholders and partners all the way through to start-ups. Our core industry segments are real estate, building construction, advertising, retail, wholesale and foreign trade as well as IT and new media.
For more private quality time. In the field of private tax returns, we work both for entire families as well as for individual persons. We provide advisory services in the relevant areas of taxation and prepare all types of tax returns, predominantly income tax returns as well as gift and inheritance tax returns.
From regional to global. Our clients also include domestic subsidiaries of parent companies based in the rest of Europe and overseas. Where necessary, advisory services are carried out in English. In addition, we have an international network of partners whose support we can rely on at any time.


Experts. Good at sizing things up.

We do our utmost to ensure that our clients are satisfied. That is our maxim. Thinking ahead is our strength, and that also includes the modicum of pragmatism that each of us brings to the tasks we face. On behalf of our clients, we work out the best possible tax solutions and, in doing so, we never lose sight of the big picture. In our role as advisors, we develop options for financing solutions, accompany generation changes, provide assistance in inheritance cases and gift situations, and provide tax (re)structuring advice in a national and international context. In combination with expertise and experience, coupled with an entrepreneurial mindset, we always offer our clients holistic solutions and then implement these jointly with them.